Our pricing plans

Flexible smart key locker subscription plans



First day + Subsequent day

Contactless key management.
Unrestricted access for host and guest during purchased date ONLY.
24/7 locker access with a secure, refreshable QR code (for hosts)
Guest access through secure, time limited, refreshable QR code managed by host.
Real-time Push Notification for every locker movement. 

Optional: Opt for auto-renewal to renew the same locker/subscription

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Yearly Plan


Per month, Billed annually

Contactless key management.
Unlimited access during subscriptions.
24/7 locker access with a secure, refreshable QR code (for hosts)
Guest access through secure, time limited, refreshable QR code managed by host.
Real-time Push Notification for every locker movement. 

Optional: Opt for auto-renewal to renew the same locker/subscription

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